Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Exercise 4

Exercise 4 is our basic arpeggio exercise.

Click Exercise for Printable Version
It is imperative that you 
  • Begin with a clean tongue
  • Do not let the notes go sharp as you go up or flat as you go down
  • Do not football (get louder in the middle) of the notes
  • Make the change between notes as quickly as possible, with no hints before the change, using a sudden blast of air
  • Make the last note good
  • Take a breath whenever necessary and use lots of air
We want brick shaped notes with the fastest change of notes possible.

One of the most common mistakes when arpeggiating is changing the shape of the mouth or the tension of the lips before the air changes. To get this to work you must breath from Place #6 and blast the air.

Controlling the air higher than Place #6 will cause your throat to tense up making it almost impossible to get the blast of air necessary to get you to the next note.

Articles related to this exercise

Understanding Note Clusters
Air Based vs Face Based
What is The System?
Chop Management
Strength and Efficiency

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